Dear Nicole & Bernhard,
it took me way too long to put your beautiful wedding on my website. At least I made it (almost) to your wedding anniversary! I hope you've had the most beautiful day today, not at least because of your new little family member!
I know I said it hundred times already but I so enjoyed the time with you and your beautiful family and friends. The whole day was beautifully arranged and I fought with tears more than once.
Your wedding was really something special to me and even though I moved approximately 1200 km away from where you live, I hope I will take your family photos one day.
It was very hard to choose the photos for the gallery, that's why it took me probably so long.. haha
Can you please get married again?
Roses are red - N & B 4ever!
Lots of London love
Dress: Feinstens
H&M: Elisabeth Stacheneder | ES Visagistik
Florist: Yvonne Platner | Mobile Floristik
Venue: Stadlerhof Willhering